Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-04-25 18:24:35

muju on Nostr: Religion has historically been a source of conflict and division between different ...

Religion has historically been a source of conflict and division between different groups, and has often been used to justify acts of violence and oppression. Many religious beliefs are based on unproven assumptions and dogma, and are used everyday to justify discriminatory practices and marginalize people.

By contrast, a post-religious world would be characterized by a greater emphasis on reason, evidence, and critical thinking. Without the influence of dogmatic religious beliefs, individuals and societies would be more likely to adopt evidence-based approaches to understanding the world and making decisions. This will lead to more equitable and just societies, as decisions would be based on objective criteria rather than arbitrary religious beliefs, or extrapolations or extractions of those beliefs.

A post-religious world will also be more tolerant and accepting of diversity. Religious beliefs often promote the idea of one true faith, and often leads to discrimination and intolerance towards those who hold different beliefs. In a post-religious world, individuals would be free to explore and express their own beliefs without fear of persecution or discrimination.

And most importantly, a post-religious world would allow for greater scientific and technological progress. Many religious beliefs are based on supernatural or mystical explanations for natural phenomena, which continues to inhibit scientific inquiry and progress. Without the influence of religious beliefs, individuals and societies would be more likely to embrace scientific and technological advancements, leading to a better understanding of the world and improved quality of life.

The counterarguments for religion argue that religion provides a sense of comfort and meaning for many individuals, and that removing it from society could lead to increased levels of despair and nihilism. Others have argugued that religion provides a valuable moral framework, and that a post-religious world could lead to a breakdown in social cohesion and morality.

However, this too is wrong, as morality is not dependent on religion; indeed, a post-religious world will lead to a more moral society, as moral decisions are based on a more rational understanding of the world. The counterarguments for religion are based on flawed premises and are thus invalid.

Humanist rebuttals to the counterarguments for religion in my opinion are:

1. Comfort and meaning can be found through secular means: While religion may provide comfort and meaning for some individuals, it is not the only source of these things. Many people find comfort and meaning through human connections, personal passions, and other secular pursuits.

2. Nihilism is not inevitable without religion: It is a common misconception that without religion, individuals will inevitably fall into despair and nihilism. However, many individuals who do not believe in a god or subscribe to a particular religion still find purpose and meaning in life.

3. Moral frameworks can exist without religion: A post-religious world does not necessarily mean a breakdown in social cohesion and morality. Humanist ethics and values, for example, prioritize the well-being of individuals and promote values such as empathy, compassion, and fairness.

4. Religion continues to be a source of division and conflict: While religion can provide a sense of community and shared values for some individuals, it is also a source of division and conflict between different groups. Humanism, on the other hand, seeks to promote inclusivity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their beliefs.

We do not need comforting lies and ignorant understandings of reality; rather, we should strive to understand the world through evidence-based scientific inquiry. Belief systems, creation stories, and other non-scientific explanations of the world and universe are not necessary for a meaningful life, and is objectively harmful when taken too seriously. Evolution is a well-supported scientific understanding of reality that explains the origins of the universe and the development of life on Earth. We should strive to understand the world through scientific evidence, rather than relying on comforting lies and ignorant understandings of reality.

Whether or not one believes in the idea of a post-religious world, we must work towards that goal and engage in discussions and debates about the role of religion in society, in order to promote greater understanding and tolerance between individuals and groups. Dialogue leads to introspection, introspection leads to change.
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