Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-11-01 18:07:33

The name is Puddintaine. Ask me again, I’ll tell you the same. on Nostr: You haven’t got a shred of proof that trump is on our side and you know it so you ...

You haven’t got a shred of proof that trump is on our side and you know it so you play whataboutism, lesser evils, and sling insults. Meanwhile somehow all of this (linked below) doesn’t even move you to question him. And if you can call ppl like me “ficktards” then suck it up when I say that YOU are beyond hope and so incredibly dumb that you haven’t a clue how “ficking” dumb you are.
Hilarious! But… what’s it gonna take to snap Maga’s out of their mass delusion that trump isn’t a leftist globalist just like Biden? It’s amazing the incredible Facts that they’re capable of ignoring…

First of all, Fathering, Authorizing & Pushing that SAD V was the most heinous Crime in American, no.. world history. /Maga’s need to Face the reality that he not only went along w/but he led the way with the world changing scamdemic (the results of which we are still suffering) and he belongs at a Nuremberg trial. And no one - absolutely no one in their right mind could possibly be considering him for any position of leadership. Yes, same for biden too,}

And if those grave & world changing crimes somehow didn’t tell you that he was part of the Globalist Elite NWO. Then, well, you are probably beyond hope. But eh, here’s some more uncomfortable truth/Facts for you to ignore.

*Unrepentent T also supports
abortion (he’s not against abortion and he holds the historical traditional liberal position of allowing it in the 1st. trimester. This is a Fact & it dgaf about anyone’s feelings.
Red 🚩Laws
free$ stimies
Free PPP $$$
$ printing
Digital ID
Censorship: thru CISA & direct censorship of social media (think Tiktok)
Universal healthcare (aka trumpcare - and have you forgotten that he said he’d repeal Obamacare on day one?)
Radically Grew BigGov (and we’re still paying for it /the myriad of new gov depts & positions- they’re still there.
15min cities (aka trump “freedom cities”)
5G & 5G surveillance
Most Pro 🌈 ever. (He said it himself while dancin on stage w/a🌈flag & you still didn’t see a problem? 🤦‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♂️-And c’mon man stop pretending that we all didn’t already know what that pedo mutilation agenda was really about.)
DACA (yes, he lied to get your easy vote.)
Say’s he’ll once again (in 2024) use the globalist leftist b gates as an advisor
Financially supports Bill Gates GAVI (hint he gave GAVI 1.16 billion)
Hillary NOT for Prison
backed Pelosi
I could go on and on and on….

*He said that he doesn’t repent. 🤦‍♀️

Fauci, Bolton, bombing Syria over a false flag, vaccines, forgetting Julian Assange, and abandoning the Jan 6 political prisoners.

So Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss. {Face the reality: Trump did more to advance the leftist great reset than anyone except for possibly Biden. And you cheered.}

But sadly…right now, you’re thinking that we’re arguing about whose farts smell most delightful & best, but what I’m telling you is… not to sniff farts.

P.S. Trump doesn’t like Bitcoin.

Trump: Bitcoin 'seems like a scam' and should be regulated 'very very high' -https://www.foxnews.com/media/donald-trump-bitcoin-scam-regulated-cryptocurrency

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