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2024-06-08 15:59:40

John Balkam on Nostr: COMMUNISM IS A DEATH ECONOMY Communism is an elaborate scam whereby a small group of ...


Communism is an elaborate scam whereby a small group of charismatic "leaders" convince the masses that all their problems will be solved if all private property is eliminated. However, under communism, property does not get eliminated, it is all just confiscated by the state.

Therefore, under communism, all the property is owned by a small number of elites, and the proletariat lives in extreme poverty "for the greater good." Yeah, right.

Needless to say, communism is a brutal and horrific regime at scale. The atrocities committed by communist members of the USSR and the PRC in modern times are unforgivable, and yet, Marxist ideals are still held in a positive light today in some parts of society.

Perhaps communism is acceptable at a small scale, say, at the family level. One family that shares all of its property with one another and doesn't bother to worry about who owns what is not going to commit atrocities. Even one small community of 50-100 people could probably get away with organizing itself using communist principles.

Where communism becomes a serious problem is when a government attempts to scale it to the masses.

Private property is foundational to civilization. Can we take anyone seriously who legitimately believes that individuals do not deserve to keep the property that they earn through their labor?

Communism, and its close cousin, Socialism, do not work because they are uncivilized. They are systems that require large scale theft and violence to work. No government theft or violence, no Communism or Socialism.

So, by now it should be clear that we can bury these destructive concepts in the 20th century where they belong, right?

For whatever reason, these concepts are still popular. Perhaps it is because we are so accustomed to the death economy, where governments steal our property through taxation and inflation and then use the stolen resources to kill and maim foreign citizens in the name of "freedom and democracy." What a joke.

When you take a good hard look at the USA and the EU for that matter, and how our systems of government actually work, you see that we've become at least partially socialist countries, if not full-fledged communist.

While the USSR was overt and aggressive in its campaign to eliminate private property, the US and the EU are more settle in the way they steal from their populace. Instead of using violence and torture, our modern governments use a more potent weapon - central banking - to commit their sneaky grand theft.

We have all been feeling the weight of inflation in recent years. Have you ever asked yourself, "why do we experience monetary inflation?" Or "who or what is responsible for monetary inflation?"

The answer to those questions is very simple - we experience inflation because our money is issued by a central bank (the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank in the EU). What is the cause behind inflation? The central bank has the power to create new money out of thin air, with no costs or strings attached. Money doesn't grow on trees. It is created with a few clicks of a mouse on a computer screen.

This is why we have inflation and inflation is a devious and shadowy form of theft. The government and the banks spend inordinate amounts of time trying to explain to us why inflation is good for us. "It helps us grow the economy!" they say.

This is simply not true. All inflation does is take purchasing power away from whoever holds the currency that's being inflated. Plain and simple. It may appear that we're all getting wealthier through inflation. After all, if our stock portfolios are going up and the value of our homes are increasing, we must be getting wealthier, right?

That may be true, if you own assets. When a currency gets inflated, everyone in the economy is forced to find ways to retain their purchasing power. It's a mad dash to compete for scarce, valuable assets before society's purchasing power gets wiped out by inflation.

If you are imprudent, over indebted, or simply don't earn enough money to be able to save and invest into assets, sorry, you lose. There's nothing we can do for you. You have to either accept your fate as a poor person, or join the rat race and climb your way up into the asset holding class.

One of the second order consequences of rampant inflation is that we slowly but surely get a communist system if money printing persists. With a central bank, the charismatic "leaders" don't have to use explicit violence and coercion to steal everyone's property. They can gradually make valuable property unaffordable for the vast majority by inflating the value of desirable assets sky high.

Look at society today, and a small group of "elites" owns most of the property in the form of stocks, real estate, and commodities. The vast majority are living paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford to live. Gee, how did this happen?

Let's face it, we were hoodwinked. We've been scammed. The government, the financial institutions, and the large corporations own us now. They own everything. And they are telling us that by 2030, we will "own nothing, and be happy." Sounds an awful lot like the communist ethos, doesn't it?

Sure enough, the death economy has brought us to our knees. Backdoor communism is the law of the land these days, unless we fight back. But how?

First, we have to stand up to these sociopathic bullies. But a violent revolution will never work. We have to fight back on the economic and ideologic battlefields.

Second, we must harness and master the greatest form of property in human history: #Bitcoin.

When used properly, Bitcoin is unconfiscatable digital property. It is money that can't be inflated or stolen by the government or the central banks.

Forget about the current price in your local currency for a second, and ask yourself, "how valuable is property that no one can steal from me, to me?"

For a lot of us, the answer will be: virtually priceless. Why would we sell property in cyberspace that bad actors can't possibly take from us?

If central banks are the ultimate weapon for communist totalitarians, Bitcoin is the ultimate weapon for freedom fighters who would rather die than live as a slave in a communist system.

We need Bitcoin to finally break free. We need Bitcoin to teach the world that private property is important for human life to flourish on Earth. We need Bitcoin to bury the evil, destructive allure of communism.

Communism is a death economy system. And it must be destroyed for life to improve on Earth.
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