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2024-01-21 13:39:00

Irrepressible on Nostr: Humbly I wanted to share my journey to being a bitcoiner 🙏🏼 I'm a free spirit ...

Humbly I wanted to share my journey to being a bitcoiner 🙏🏼

I'm a free spirit
I've always hated someone having any control over me....
From a young kid just hated the whole hamster on a wheel structure..always knew I was different....
In my job and in the corporate structure everyone is replaceable we're all just a number, a mistake a loss of temper or simply your face doesn't fit....someone in a higher corporate position gets to decide my future,.... I've found the higher people went the more it sucked any humane decency out of people.... and none of them were happy.
That drove me to find a way to be free of those oppressive establishment shackles.
At the same time I knew to be a good employee can't cut your nose off to spite your face...this was still gona take time.
I went down the rabbit hole of trying to find other ways to beat the system the obvious path young kids from the inner city try is the streets .. but ive seen far to many of my friends who started off small end up getting banged up and make a mess of their lives in that saftnes not to mention the damage they caused their family and community... no I didn't want myself to go down that road, I wasn't going to make the mistakes of my peers....Could see a mile off they were heading for trouble...prison.

As the years went on I worked away and have been an avid saver, when I look back now the final catalyst for me to make a big shift was when banks dropped interest rates so low which like millions of others forced me to look for yield and find answers.... just knew something, everything in the system was wrong....
Corrupt politians ruining our countries with massive government, immigration, taxes on literally everything besides breathing (better not give them any ideas) and saying we were right wing extremists whenever we pointed out the blatant lies hypocrisy and propaganda.
All a big plan to silence us.
I had to do something.. fast.. this snowball was rolling down the hill

For all the faults of big tech companies one thing that can't be denied the opportunity to gain knowledge from YouTube and Twitter is literally incredible it has been invaluable to people who want to learn and are willing to put in the effort.
Stocks were my first choice but it didn't take long to realise that it was a rigged game and I have never been a fan of gambling. One message that was constantly being echoed however was what a bad state the financial system was in and the rocky foundations would come crashing down unless central bankers continued to pump currency through one program or another.... which pretty quickly makes one question everything about the system we have been brought up in and the history we've been taught.
As with many others the initial conclusion is well we need to go back to real money, Gold. I listened to many hours from lots of very smart people convinced going back to the gold standard was the only way... there were a few problems that lingered in my mind however... these gold experts nearly always advised 5-10% physical gold...well what do I do with the rest?? The rest was usually selling some fund which as I say I never liked the idea of, and if gold had failed already why wouldn't it happen again...?? ..... don't the bankers own tons of gold and don't we need to take the power away from them not be waiting with baited breath for them to save us and start another long journey of blatant manipulation and outright theft!!?? These guys while libertarian mostly seemed stuck in the matrix to me.
However with not much other option and with the talk of the system being on the brink of collapse which certainly got my attention I brought some gold and silver for protection.

Then one day covid came along... we can laugh now but what a nightmare that was, to me and when we look back in history it will be looked at as the beginning of the end for the world as we knew it... it was blamed on the "flu" but for people who had done some research the real reason was the banks needed bailing out again and they needed a cover, the financial system was teetering again, the subsequent power grab was the state showing their true colors and it was a fatal overreach.
Gold shot up, wow how lucky and smart was I!!
But... with all this money they were printing surely hyperinflation or a massive wave of high inflation was months away as the gold guys had been predicting for years!!!

Over the previous couple of years I had come across a few videos in my YouTube feed about bitcoin, to be honest the very first time I heard about it was when it was about 500 dollars a coin and I said thats a scam as nearly everyone does (much to my regret) Now in my feed it was mostly gold bugs taking a victory lap after the collapse in 2017 and more importantly so the vicious drop in 2020 at the start of the lockdowns.... so I must have been right or so I thought.....
Many had got rich selling at the top but
as I said previously im no fan of gambling and while the potential massive gains were inviting I knew playing the trading game was to dangerous and I wasn't about to risk the nest egg that I had worked so hard for... no It just seemed to risky... so I left it.

As the months went on however and prices started to rip higher I started to get concerned... 0% interet on my savings, stocks so volatile what am I going to do.
Then one day on my feed from Daniella Cambone on stansberry research a guy I had never even heard of before apparently some ceo of small tech company popped up... I'll never forget it this is the video https://youtu.be/6RuQhsNAYh8?si=5Z25KGenZAeAE737
I listened and then listened again... wow this guy's smart, to say it changed my life is the understatement of the century, I owe him a beer to say the least lol.
Little did I know I had only just started down the bitcoin rabbit hole and over the last few years I have voraciously listened and read every bit of bitcoin material I could find from books like the bitcoin standard, fiat standard, abundance through scarcity, why bitcoin, everything divided by 21 million to Jeff Booths the price of tomorrow and dominic frisbys life after the state... ? (Just to name a few)!! And what now must be thousands of hours of podcasts from Trace Mayer, Saifedean, Croesus, Lawrence lepard, Ioni Appelberg, Saylor, Tommer Strolight, Der Gigi, Jeff Ross, Breedlove and so many more. I owe them more than they'll ever know so thank you guys.

As with many bitcoiners as my knowledge has grown so has my conviction and I started acquiring more and more bitcoin
Once you have been orange pilled it all makes sense how if we fix the money we can fix the world. We can kneecap then kill the vile big state and with it all the shit that it uses the printing press to carry out... mass immigration, benefit state, massive house price and asset inflation, wars, woke news and brainwashing of innocent young children in schools. Not to mention how it keeps us running on the the fiat hamster wheel getting nowhere like slaves.

Bitcoin.....was the answer
Finally a deflationary money that as technology takes human labour away we can share in that efficiency created instead of inflation forcing people to work harder and harder in whatever job they can get that hasn't been shipped abroad....
This is what has been causing all these strikes recently. ... big businesses with this technology doesn't need the labour and because of inflation can't afford it.... while unions are fighting against the tide desperately trying to keep as many people in jobs as possible as they can't afford to feed their families with prices relentlessly rising.
I'm positive in decades and centuries time we will look back in horror at how this system had us living.
Now we finally have the answer its bitcoin, it's not going to be easy the state will fight hard but they couldn't stop bit torrent and streaming on the Internet and with bitcoin being global already so big and so extraordinarily valuable and knowing their system is doomed to fail they will have no choice but to join the network, "you can't stop an idea who's time has come" as Victor Hugo once said. Fidelity and Blackrock have shown recently that fighting it and sitting on the sidelines will only hurt them not us so they've bent the knee.

Now back to my personal situation, I just need to keep employed and be patient for this to play out and what makes bitcoin so unique is that worldwide some of the planets smartest people are working to make sure our new financial system is successful, we're all incentivised to do things we'll all benefit from and we can go about our lives orange pilling people while it happens. As the the state and fiat system shakes itself to pieces and collapses on itself it could get quite messy and I do feel sorry for the people who don't get on the bitcoin ark but it is what it is, we can't save everyone and the information is out there ya know!!

It fills me with hope and positivity for the future it's incredibly exciting knowing we're on the cusp of extraordinary change for the good
I've finally found the way to make me and my family free of the shackles of this evil system the parasites at the top have created..... and billions of people are going to benefit from this even if they don't know it at the moment.

I'm gona win

We're all gona win

The most important invention ever and we're born now at the very start of the journey


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