Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-10-16 05:32:09
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search on Nostr: nostr:nevent1qqsqujwsp4e5jsrj076gxsjl7qztra6dl0xf5xsray3395ft0qy4n4s50dqqy ...

No results.
Depending on the topic of the search, I use Brave or an anonymised google one like dudcduckgo or start page.

If you are after a 'how to' of come type, google will give you more.

If you are after something politically 'incorrect', Brave will give you less filtered results. I tried it now with 'climate change hoax'.

I default to Brave.

No results.
Go to the likes of Google and search for something. It'll tell you there are millions, sometime billions of results.

The click through the first 5-10 pages and tell me that most of it isn't repeated results, with the search running out of results usually after 30 or so pages.

Something doesn't add up, yet we seem to ignore this for some reason.

Stable release of Android 14 is expected to be released in early October. We've spent months preparing for it and we've completed a lot of porting in advance. This has been much more difficult than it should be since we have to rely on unofficial access to pre-launch sources.

Stable releases of Android are open source. Pixel stock OS source tree matches the AOSP source tree with additional private repositories added for the Google/Pixel components/overlays. Beta releases and the development branches are mostly internal. Most isn't done in AOSP main.

The Android security team wanted to collaborate with us and gave us security partner access. We hoped this would lead to us getting full partner access so that we could port to new major releases much earlier with the ability to build and test nearly all of the port in advance.

The engineering side appreciates our work and multiple prominent people have tried to get full partner access for the GrapheneOS Foundation. Android's business side had our security partner access revoked and blocked progress. We've decided to stop making upstream contributions.

Many of the privacy and security features we're built could be included in Android. It was always difficult to contribute without partner access, but we put in significant effort and achieved some positive results. We also reported a lot of firmware and software vulnerabilities.

Not having partner access makes quickly porting to major releases into an ordeal, but we still have to do it for security reasons. We only managed to have it done within around a week of launch of Android 13 and past releases via superhuman amounts of work hours and productivity.

Our policy for upstream Android vulnerabilities we discover has become fixing them downstream ASAP with a clear explanation in our release notes for the release including them. Filing a report upstream hasn't been part of our process for a while due to their related decisions.

We've deferred shipping most of our newly developed features until after Android 14 including duress PIN/password and several new per-app toggles for enabling additional security features we already had implemented but couldn't enable globally due to some apps being incompatible.
"Because the hard drive was soldered to the motherboard..."


But... why? Just no. Don't do that.

Storage must always be removable and replaceable, just like RAM, and insulated as much as possible from failures in other parts of the device. Otherwise, as in this case, the failure of one piece of 3hardware inside the device results in total data loss.

There exists a solidarity among men as human beings that makes each co-responsible for every evil and every injustice in the world, especially for crimes committed in his presence or with his knowledge. If I fail to do whatever I can to prevent them, I too am guilty. If I was present at the murder of others without risking my life to prevent it, I feel guilty in a way not adequately conceivable either legally, politically or morally. That I live after such a thing has happened weighs upon me as indelible guilt. As human beings, unless good fortune spares us such situations, we come to a point where we must choose: either to risk our lives unconditionally, without chance of success and therefore to no purpose—or to prefer staying alive, because success is impossible. That somewhere among men the unconditioned prevails—the capacity to live only together or not at all, if crimes are committed against the one or the other, or if physical living requirements have to be shared—therein consists the substance of their being. But that this does not extend to the solidarity of all men, nor to that of fellow-citizens or even of smaller groups, but remains confined to the closest human ties—therein lies this guilt of us all. Jurisdiction rests with God alone. ... The metaphysical guilt results in a transformation of human self-consciousness before God. Pride is broken. This self-transformation by inner activity may lead to a new source of active life, but one linked with an indelible sense of guilt in that humility which grows modest before God and submerges all its doings in an atmosphere where arrogance becomes impossible. ... Metaphysical guilt is the lack of absolute solidarity with the human being as such—an indelible claim beyond morally meaningful duty. This solidarity is violated by my presence at a wrong or a crime. It is not enough that I cautiously risk my life to prevent it; if it happens, and if I was there, and if I survive where the other is killed, I know from a voice within myself: I am guilty of being still alive.

— Karl Jaspers, "The question of German guilt"
“MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And certain experiments were also conducted and certain researches were conducted in atomic research, were they not?

SPEER: We had not got as far as that, unfortunately because the finest minds we had in atomic research had emigrated to America, and this had thrown us back a great deal in our research, so that we still needed another year or two in order to achieve any results in the splitting of the atom.

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: The policy of driving people out who didn’t agree with Germany hadn’t produced very good dividends, had it?

SPEER: Especially in this sphere it was a great disadvantage to us.

MR JUSTICE JACKSON: Now, I have certain information, which was placed in my hands, of an experiment which was carried out near Auschwitz and I would like to ask you if you heard about it or knew about it. The purpose of the experiment was to find a quick and complete way of destroying people without the delay and trouble of shooting and gassing and burning, as it had been carried out, and this is the experiment, as I am advised. A village, a small village was provisionally erected, with temporary structures, and in it approximately 20,000 Jews were put. By means of this newly invented weapon of destruction, these 20,000 people were eradicated almost instantaneously, and in such a way that there was no trace left of them; that it developed, the explosive developed, temperatures of from 4000 to 5000 [?] [degrees] centigrade and destroyed them without leaving any trace at all.

Do you know about that experiment?

SPEER: No, and I consider it utterly improbable. If we had had such a weapon under preparation, I should have known about it. But we did not have such a weapon. It is clear that in chemical warfare attempts were made on both sides to carry out research on all the weapons one could think of, because on did not know which party would start chemical warfare first.

MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: The reports, then, of a new and secret weapon ere exaggerated for the purpose of keeping the German people in the war?

SPEER: That was the case mostly during the last phase of the war. From August, or rather June or July 1944 on I very often went to the front. I visited about 40 front-line divisions in their sectors and could not help seeing the troops, just like the German people, were given hopes about a new weapon coming, new weapons and wonder-weapons which, without requiring the use of soldiers, without military forces, would guarantee victory. In this belief lies the secret why so many people in Germany offered their lives, although common sense told them the war was over. They believed that in the near future this new weapon would arrive. “ (Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 1947, Vol. 16, p 529-530)
Installed Skyrim SE, can't move the draw distance sliders.

Search on Google, "no results" no matter how I word it.

Google, this problem has existed with this game since its launch in 2011. This problem DOES exist! Your refusal to acknowledge reality isn't going to make it go away.
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