Why Nostr? What is Njump?
Kind 34550
Author Public Key
Published at
2023-08-27 12:42:06
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "a55e8292c770ff825e9ab5d1e1392859cbb246ffebc41ca9825a19f97881c965", "pubkey": "6e0cebd7424165acfe9252674758c4f59938df2c75e8cc715e5f3761f646a8e4", "created_at": 1693140126, "kind": 34550, "tags": [ [ "d", "ChineseAstrology" ], [ "description", "Ask any question about your life especially for work, love, health and wealth ...\n\nFirst come first serve: with a maximum of 6 persons a day " ], [ "rules", "One question at a time\nby putting your birth-date \u0026 time as well as city \u0026 country" ], [ "rank_mode", "zaps" ], [ "rank_batch", "20" ], [ "p", "6e0cebd7424165acfe9252674758c4f59938df2c75e8cc715e5f3761f646a8e4", "", "moderator" ] ], "content": "", "sig": "5800e4fd87a17d3948540068580e921697540297ff3df4de921e3976a39e17ba36fb30143d3d6914111c15319be1ec35fdeb55e11d5f088429cbabfc626a9b22" }