Last Notes
Midday Mempool
Immediate Fee Rate: 4 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 3 sat/vByte
Day Fee Rate: 2 sat/vByte
Mempool Accept Rate: 1 sat/vByte
Mempool Count: 172,951
Block Interval: 9:46
Morning Coffee Bitcoin Report ☕️
Price: $63,420 (1,577 sats/dollar)
Hash Price: $45.48/PHash
Hash Rate: 653 EHash/s
Immediate Fee Rate: 7 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 4 sat/vByte
Block Interval: 9:45
Mempool Count: 147,622
Block Height: 864,594
Supply Issued: 94.11%
Blocks to Halving: 185,406
Morning Coffee Bitcoin Report ☕️
Price: $69,230 (1,444 sats/dollar)
Hash Price: $52.32/PHash
Hash Rate: 638 EHash/s
Immediate Fee Rate: 4 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 4 sat/vByte
Block Interval: 9:10
Mempool Count: 130,348
Block Height: 854,501
Supply Issued: 93.96%
Blocks to Halving: 195,499
Morning Coffee Bitcoin Report ☕️
Price: $70,760 (1,413 sats/dollar)
Hash Price: $54.92/PHash
Hash Rate: 608 EHash/s
Immediate Fee Rate: 36 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 31 sat/vByte
Block Interval: 9:55
Mempool Count: 241,646
Block Height: 846,625
Supply Issued: 93.84%
Blocks to Halving: 203,375
Midday Mempool
Immediate Fee Rate: 3 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 3 sat/vByte
Day Fee Rate: 2 sat/vByte
Mempool Accept Rate: 1 sat/vByte
Mempool Count: 119,433
Block Interval: 9:52
Palindrome Block 861168 👉👈
Palindrome Block 856658 👉👈
Morning Coffee Bitcoin Report ☕️
Price: $58,440 (1,711 sats/dollar)
Hash Price: $40.31/PHash
Hash Rate: 651 EHash/s
Immediate Fee Rate: 3 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 3 sat/vByte
Block Interval: 9:58
Mempool Count: 86,250
Block Height: 861,567
Supply Issued: 94.07%
Blocks to Halving: 188,433
เหมือนพี่เห็นเหตุการณ์ต่อจากนี้เลย กำลังจะทำไข่เจียวหมูให้ลูกชายกินครับ ไข่เบอร์1 สามฟอง, หมูสับร้อยg. ปรุงด้วยเกลือชมพู 1 ช้อนชา อร่อยยยยยยยย
Nope just promoted it lol we can do any genre, language, topic, anything really
Your Lightning balance I believe is in fact L-BTC
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Without comparing yourself to others we would have no reason to believe that's we are less than perfect.
We each brought gifts with us into this realm. Our job is to uncover & expand these gifts knowing that there are people out there waiting to receive them.
Forget about those who don't value what you create or express, they're not important. Find your passion by following your excitement & share you gifts freely. Trust that your higher self has a plan & surrender to that plan, even if pursuing it seems scary.
The unknown can be scary but ultimately that's where we discover more of who we are.
Whatever you do, don't sacrifice all your time with your kids for money while they are young.
We all get him... and per your original question @nprofile…s8dt #asknostr
A black mirror is true country dark.
I’m not really sure what you’re disagreeing with. Two things can be true at once whether you like it or not.
Rest assured if love for Jesus isn’t in your heart then more than likely he wouldn’t be in your bitcoin. I’m here if ever you want to talk about it though ☺️
The CIA hearing it’s time for another foreign election #note13cd…7m2e
Back in the day, i had fax after fax after fax come through from legal depts forcing me to answer endless BS to tire me and my partners out in a ridiculous legal dispute. We never gave in… and
I just learn about it, one starting in eluc is easy, took me 1min in the browser app but I don't want to change my npub now.
Doctor Web reports that approximately 1.3 million Android TV boxes are infected with the new Vo1d malware, targeting devices running older OS versions. #cybersecurity #malware #AndroidTV #technews
Are you upside-down or am I upside-down?
May Jesus protect your mental health.
I stand with President Baptiste and continue to blame MTV, but Coinbase could be a strong second best. 🐸
The feeder is full with 10 sats! Goats’ strong front legs allow them to rear up and knock down branches to reach food that is high up.
Cara, estava pensando agora que grande parte do pessoal que abraça a propaganda pró-censura e outras políticas ambientais com margem para controle social ou outras políticas que são claramente uma arma econômica contra setores fundamentais da economia como a agricultura e etc, elas não necessariamente são pessoas ruins por natureza. Calma, deixa eu explicar.
Grande parte dessas pessoas têm um modelo mental de acreditar na estrutura estatal como uma espécie de mediador da sociedade. Elas não enxergam a natureza totalitária intrínseca do estado, elas só acham que as pessoas ruins é que desvirtuam a natureza boa do estado. A modernidade trocou Deus pelo estado, portanto é literalmente a religião da modernidade.
Como a educação estatal tem uma função segregadora, mesmo que a pessoa tenha uma certa inteligência no campo dela (por ex, biologia), ainda falta compreensão básica sobre economia e os jogos regulatório que existem para garantir monopólios com a bênção estatal (e obviamente seus braços nas mídias de massa).
Logo, mesmo que a pessoa compreenda relações complexas dentro do campo dela, ela ainda tem uma dificuldade tremenda de enxergar algumas relações que envolvem campos fora do domínio dela.
Por outro lado as bolhas libertárias sofrem com o outro extremo, como elas compreendem essas relações escusas entre estado e oligopolistas, ele cria uma espécie de paranóia em que absolutamente tudo é um teatro ou manipulação.
Por isso esses dois grupos vivem em duas realidades mentais totalmente opostas e quando um fala o outro vê um NPC, e enquanto outro fala ele enxerga um maluco com chapéu de alumínio.
O principal desafio das idéias de liberdade está no seu branding/estética. Quando pensam em um libertário, logo enxergam um redneck com pizza nas axilas, uma arma na mão e extremante ignorante (apesar de que em algum casos o estereótipo é bem esse haha).
Para que os normies possam compreender as idéias de liberdade, a comunidade libertária/bitcoinheira precisa repensar sua estética e encontrar maneiras de criar pontes entre esses dois mundos de modelos mentais quase que completamente opostos em premissas e também na sua estética.
They don’t hold bitcoin for the public.
And it doesn’t matter if they hold 200k or 2M bitcoin.
All that matters is you hold as much as possible
#takeitdaily #Bitcoin #nostr
Yes, it was written under the bot. I just blocked and deleted manually before writing it down.
Well, Here again i am staying on
Sent from my #Bindle
Just couldn’t resist, huh…? 😂 #note1f0a…28s7
I've got good news and bad news:
1. Good morning
2. Shitcoins are run by the deep state
OpenAI will transition from its non-profit structure to a for-profit model next year, aiming for a more traditional corporate setup to sustain its growth in AI innovations. #AI #tech #OpenAI #innovation #robotics #cybersecurity
Sent from my #Bindle
I have only one opened channel maybe that is problem, no route error...Sometimes zap go through sometimes fails.