When someone first grokks Bitcoin, they need to recognize why they need it. In much the same way, one needs to recognize their need for Christ before they can develop a relationship with Him. That's where contemplating all our sins and imperfections comes into play. But this is also where controlling, fiat religions love to take over and inundate you with guilt and shame in order to squeeze money out of you, so it's vital that you don't stay at this stage, but only use it as a springboard to launch yourself into a personal relationship with Christ.
Have you ever watched The Chosen? It's only a TV show, but IMO its depiction of Jesus' personality is the closest to what I've experienced personally, when talking to Him and receiving His answers in my heart. You can watch The Chosen for free here:
One of my favorite quotes from The Chosen comes from a woman in the 2nd episode, who, in the 1st episode, experiences demonic possession and suicidal ideations. But in episode 2, she says:

The whole point of building a relationship with Christ is to change us into better, happier, more peaceful human beings. It's not to go through Hell here to somehow accrue "points" get into Heaven some day later; it's to have a bit of Heaven in us here and now, as much as we're able to take, to strengthen and prepare us for Heaven later.
And lastly, test and try out different holy books, different ways of praying, and different styles of worshipping, and then measure their results. Basically, use the scientific method by living the teachings you find, and examine the "fruits" you get from them.
For example, I grew up Mormon, but now my relationship status with that church would be best described as "It's Complicated" (I'm actually planning on posting a note about that soon), but I've still found a lot of value in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon (which is not a replacement for the Bible by any means, but is more like a spinoff series, lol). Anyway, in the Book of Mormon, there's a great chapter in which a man named Alma is preaching to a group of poor people all about humility and faith. The humility part basically touches on the same thing I said earlier (about recognizing your need for Christ), and the faith part is all about this "scientific method" approach to coming to know God, using an analogy of planting a seed, seeing of it's good by seeing if it grows, and then nourishing it until it bears fruit. You can read the whole chapter here:
I'm glad you're asking about this, and hope you'll find Jesus at the best time and in the best way. And I think you already know to be cautious about some religious people (like Mormons and others), who may see your note as an opportunity to convert you to their particular church or way of life. While I think you'll find a lot of value in reading the Bible and the Book of Mormon side-by-side, I would actually warn you *against* the main church that champions it, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Mormon" is just the nickname, coined by the church's opponents because of the Book of Mormon, similar to Vitalik calling us "Bitcoin Maximalists"). Contrary to popular belief, Mormons *are* Christians, but their biggest difference from other Christians is that they believe they have God's authority, which gives them a monopoly on the way back to God.
No church has such a monopoly. The way to God is directly through His Son, Jesus Christ, on an individual level, and not through any church. But I'll say more about this in a couple days, when I share my note about the church I grew up in.
Thanks for reading all that! I hope and pray that it helps. 🙏