Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-07-05 14:13:51

negrunch on Nostr: We are working Mostro but our work is going much more than one p2p platform on top of ...

We are working but our work is going much more than one p2p platform on top of nostr, we want to integrate all p2p #Bitcoin platforms to have a big pool of orders on Nostr.

It's working right now with Mostro and @lnp2pbot

If you run the command /nostr on the bot you will get the npub of the bot

Then you can query on of those relays and see what is happening at real time

nostreq --kinds 38383 --authors 25990d8f6e55ede920c826aa219d69b1ab39cae02e489337e88e3b7ec4377c2c --limit 5 | nostcat --stream wss://relay.mostro.network | jq

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