This is funny, but also somewhat infuriating for me. His dad and everyone else referring to taxes as the "real world" is just adding to the psyop that allows this rampant theft to continue. It's what's keeping the populace compliant when the government increases taxes by 10%-20%, rather than going full tar-and-feather, like they did in the 1700's over 0.5% increase.
Medicare? Why is he being forced to pay for that scam? Is he using it? Is he planning to use it? What in the socialist hell even is that?
Social security? His first question shouldn't have been about his social security *number,* but about why he's paying into a Ponzi scheme against his will.
State and federal taxes? Why do they need to tax at all when they can just print it?
What's really making me angry is everyone else in the vehicle pushing these lies. This is why the world keeps getting worse. I hope that young man doesn't listen to his dad or anyone else there with him, but he probably did, and probably will continue to do so.
This is why we still have such a long and difficult uphill battle before us. 😞